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What is holding you back?

What is holding you back? Your resilience will be tested over and over again throughout your life. We will always face the unknown when setting goals and learning new things. The fear of the unknown may prevent the journey in the first place, but if we get past that first obstacle, we will have a starting point. However, there will be more obstacles to conquer in every journey. How we will prevail has much to do with our resilience to face adversities and the unknown. Very often, high resilience and self-confidence walk hand-in-hand, as do lack thereof. If you believe in your abilities and are confident that you can learn, beat all odds, and face the unknown, you will likely rise after falling for the tenth time. A lack of confidence will quickly leave you embarrassed, and you might find it easier to give up and feed yourself the thought that it was not for you in the first place. Just remember, you can build up your resilience, beat the odds, and learn if you dare to allow yourself to

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