Chum Kiu

Chum Kiu is the second form of Wing Chun. This version is Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun and one can see many differences to more traditional styles. If you are not familiar with the terms of Wing Chun and the ways we train,  let me explain what a form for us is. It is a way to teach one's body to move and repeat the techniques over and over again. It is a way to learn energy flow in the techniques, and proper order of activation in the body. Getting familiar with the form helps to execute the wanted techniques in a rhythm and with timing that could be used in applications as well. The more one works with forms the more the movements in the form become natural and natural movement comes always as instinct, without hesitation. 

Just remember that training forms is a great way for learning body mechanics and flow. You learn the techniques and then combine and use them, as they suit you in the situation you need them, the best. 



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