Summer Flow


One particular concept in Wing Chun has always been on top of my list. That is the energy flow and feeling. I love that after creating a bridge between you and the other person one can feel all intentions and sense the fluctuations in the energy flow. 

The outcome of well-performed flow is like a dance and it seems effortless. The great thing is, that it is effortless and does not require physical strength as long as the technical competence is there. That is my goal and I am lucky to have teachers who truly know how to teach me to reach my goal - here I have to thank my SiFu Wan Kam Leung and my husband SiFu Veka for sharing their knowledge with me. I feel grateful to be able to join my husbands' private classes with Wan SiFu and see (and feel) how skilfully they work. The feeling is at the core of learning Wing Chun. Some positions may look the same but differ greatly in their energy flow. The force is never still, stiff and dull. It is always alive, pushing through and actively relaxed. That I can see watching these two and feel when I touch hands with them. Unfortunately, my body sometimes still forgets and tries to use force against force. You probably understand why that is utterly stupid especially with these two. Yup, I am the one in the middle of that photo below and even I do feel stronger than ever my force is a fly's poop in the Atlantic next to these men. The only way they LET me do anything is when I keep it technical. However I do possess a fair amount of temperament and during my earliest visits with Wan Sifu, he suggested my husband a helmet when working with me. Apparently then I was not a good training partner being so on and off with my energy. I am happy that nowadays I have much better control and understanding of what I am actually doing and what I am aiming to learn. I have already learned a lot and luckily learning opens new doors for learning even more


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