Wisdom Path

There is a beautiful Chinese garden at Rizal Park in Manila, Philippines. We love to visit the park and train there so much that the security has actually learned to know us. I did not know that before my daughter, Iida, visited us and she was wandering around the park and was asked if her parents were the one's training and teaching kung fu there. She was as surprised as I was not only that they knew us, but also that they connected her with us. Anyway that Chinese Garden in Rizal Park is a comfort zone. It is a calm and green environment inside this huge Metropol. In this Chinese Garden, one finds the path of wisdom. Wise words from Confucius in three different languages. 

One of the best is the one below - Confucius discouraged four things: Speculation, Baseless opinion, Inflexibility and Selfishness. I am sure there were more, but these were picked out. Think how much better off we all were if we had taken these words into our hearts and lived by them all last year. So many news and posts everywhere seemed to take this advice and twisted it into the complete opposite. Now it is hard to find the truth. 

At least we should focus on the one above - Respect others first and others shall respect you. In everything we do, we should remember that we are together in this world. Let us all remember that we all have rights BECAUSE we also have responsibilities and because we take care of our responsibilities we have rights. And I think it is only wise to keep in mind that history has earned us those rights. We should not take anything for granted and we all should take a moment to reflect, meditate and stop to think about how can each one of us make this world a bit better place. 


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