How to feel less stressed?


Tension and stagnation are the root cause of many dysfunctions in our bodies. We may not be able to avoid stress completely, but we surely can make our bodies and minds more durable under stress. Let me ask you a simple question - do you think you drink enough water every day? What I have noticed many answers no. And the dehydration itself can add to the stress. You feel tired and nervous and can not really point out what is wrong. The doctor checks your Hb and it is super good - when that is checked you feel relieved, but do not realize that due to dehydration you do lack in the volume of blood too - and that blood you have is just very concentrated fooling you to think all is well. But still feeling off.  Your heart works out to push the thick blood around your system and you feel not so well. That small thing - not drinking enough may be an additive cause for high heart rate, high heart pressure and stress. And since there often is much more to stress about around us, the little things become big and everything matters. So, a good start is to make sure that you drink enough room temperature water. Then another everyday matter - food. Because we are so busy, we tend to skip meals. Our bodies love routines and skipping lunch one day, breakfast most days and dinner the rest makes our metabolism confused. It starts to think that there is some sort of lack of food and tries to burn less and store more... making us gain weight and feel drowsy. Adding together just these two, we start to show symptoms of all sorts of stress-related matters. Our sleep suffers and we do not feel like exercising anymore. A vicious circle is ready and we did not even see it starting. We did not see it, because we stopped paying attention to our own wellbeing and stopped listening to what our bodies have to say. When you stop listening, it will keep on trying for a while, but this too will cease and then you do not feel hunger and thirst the way you should anymore. You feel bad and start to meditate, but it does not help or you just can not sit still. That is because you need to find the root cause before you are able to fully heal. And these are the physiologically occurring problems and do not even relate to mental stress that is a different story. But in order to face those mental monsters and energy drainers you need to start hand in hand with your own body. The younger you are the greater reserves you still have in your body, but if you have kids or are over 30 those reserves needs to be filled. So stop and check your basic functions.


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