Some words about the relationship between a student and a teacher.
What does a teacher do?
Most of us have no problems stating the responsibilities and duties of a teacher. Let us make it short and say a teacher teaches. In the modern world, people tend to place all sorts of additional tasks upon the teacher and forget to see the other side of the learning process. As much as it is the teacher's duty and responsibility to teach it is the student's duty and responsibility to learn. The teacher points in the correct direction, opens the door and points out the hard terrain. Every student however must learn for themselves. Even if the teacher gives the student every little piece of knowledge and know-how, it is still the student that has to understand and digest the teachings.
Every school and teacher is different
It does not matter if we talk about high school or school for martial arts. Every school is as unique as its teachers and students. Still, most schools have guidelines to meet. And unfortunately, those guidelines very often come with a time limit. That time limit should help students to cope with stress and make sure that the teaching does not take a too long time. Those are not entirely bad goals but to work as goals, the students should have been taught to study and learn in those perimeters. And the teachers should have time to figure out how to reach those goals with each individual student. We all are different learners after all. No matter what field of duty one is in, before starting they should know what they are expected of.
Students are expected to learn
There are levels of learning and some are harder to reach than some. At a very basic level of schooling, everyone is expected to reach minimum requirements. However, this will change when a person reaches that part of one's schooling that is no longer mandatory. As soon as one chooses to study one is expected to learn more, deeper and better. Then it also should be a joy to teach such a person who desires to learn. Unfortunately, expectations and real-life not always meet. And one reason why that is is the lack of communication and setting the goals together. The student should know what is expected of him/her and the teacher should know what are the goals for the student. Only then they may reach mutual understanding and a way to reach those goals.
Reaching goals
No matter what one is learning it is most important to understand the meaning of walking the path or climbing the mountain. When the goal is to cultivate oneself and learn for life the whole journey is important. And while being on that journey with a competent guide one should take an advantage of every single step by making the effort to learn by heart. Only by doing so, the fruits can be picked years after reaching the goal. If the eye is only on the goal and the heart is not learning then the price is not real. It is empty words and hollow thoughts that actually will tear down one's self-esteem if one needs to face the fact of not truly knowing the things that should be known. So why would not we all aim to do everything from the heart and enjoy every step of our journeys. In this way the teachers and students are alike.
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